January 12 – 16, 2017 After visiting Fredericksburg, TX, we pulled into McKinney Falls State Park in Austin. The weather turned out to be rainy most of the time we were there, so we didn’t get outside to do very…

January 12 – 16, 2017 After visiting Fredericksburg, TX, we pulled into McKinney Falls State Park in Austin. The weather turned out to be rainy most of the time we were there, so we didn’t get outside to do very…
We had a bit of a break from writing on the blog from October 2016 to January 2017, so here’s what we were doing during that time: We stopped at one of our favorite places to stay, Monte Vista RV…
We spent a day strolling through Fredericksburg, Texas. Enjoyed Texas-style German food, souvenir shops, and the National Museum of the Pacific War.
Since we are frequently on the go, whether traveling, camping, hiking, or exploring, we tend to eat a lot of our meals on the go. After getting tired of the normal easy cold meals (sandwiches, tuna and crackers, sandwiches, noodle…